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Legal Statement

This website of Spectrum Fertility Group (“Spectrum”) is created to provide information about our company, products, services and other activities. This legal notice applies only to the website and your use of it. 

Nature of Information 

The content presented on the Spectrum’s website is presented solely for informational purposes. The site does not provide you with advice or recommendation of any kind and should not be relied on as the basis for any decision or action. All information on this site is provided ‘as is’ and no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, are made, including but not limited to implied representations or warranties about fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or non-infringement. Spectrum makes no representations or warranties of any kind as to the completeness, accuracy, functionality, availability and compliance with applicable laws of the content of this website. 

Third party publications 

Spectrum may invite third parties who are not Spectrum employees to make publications on our website. The information provided in such third-party publications is provided ‘as is’ and no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, are made as to such information’s non-infringement, completeness, accuracy, functionality, availability and compliance with applicable laws. Any views and opinions expressed in such publications are solely the views and opinions of that third party and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Spectrum. 

Limitation of liability 

Neither Spectrum nor our third-party providers shall be liable for any direct or indirect damages or injuries arising from your access to our website or your reliance on any material or information provided herein. In no event shall Spectrum or any of our third-party providers be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive and special damages, loss of profit, lost opportunities or any other loss or damages of any kind. 

Links to other sites 

The website contains links to third-party websites not owned or controlled by Spectrum (hypertext links). Hypertext links are provided only as a courtesy to the users of Spectrum’s website and may not always be up to date or working properly. Spectrum has no influence on or control over the third-party websites, the information provided there or their privacy policies, and Spectrum does not verify the accuracy and correctness or endorse, recommend or approve the contents of the information contained on those websites. 

Updates and Changes to Website 

Spectrum reserves the right to alter, modify, substitute or delete any content on the website without any prior notice and at Spectrum’s sole discretion. To the extent the website contains statements referring to the future, these statements are based on opinions and evaluations at the time they are made and, consequently, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Spectrum is under no obligation to keep this website up to date. 

Intellectual Property Rights 

The content of this website, including all documents, files, images, graphics, devices and code, is owned by or licensed to Spectrum or its third-party providers and is protected under relevant intellectual property laws irrespective of any designation (e.g. ©, ®, or ™). All trademarks, trade names, logos and product names displayed on the website are protected under trademark law. You may download the content of our website but only for your own personal and non-commercial use. It is not permitted to copy, display, modify, reproduce or retransmit any of the content of this website without the prior written consent of Spectrum. 


If you want to contact Spectrum about this website, please use info@spectrumfertility.com.